The Silent Valley National Park, with its lush green forests and spectacular views over the rich flora and fauna, is a popular destination for nature lovers and wildlife lovers all over the world. Spread over an area of 89 square kilometres, Silent Valley National Park is situated in the Kundali Hills of the Western Ghats, in Kerala, in southern India. This national park, with its long , detailed history and the peculiar status of a rainforest, is indeed a sight to visit. A trip to this part of Kerala only adds value to the well-planned Safari and the beautiful stop-overs around the park.
A visit to this national park is of great importance for tourists and nature lovers as this location is India's last representative virgin tract of tropical evergreen forests. Compared to the other national parks in India, though smaller in scale, what separates the Silent Valley National Park from all other similar sites is the Sylvan ecosystem that the area offers, along with its lofty and majestic peaks and the many rivers that flow through its duration.
Also worth noting are the various plant and animal species that can be found here. The park has a healthy faunal and floral population, with many of the endangered species blissfully living here, unharmed by the outside world. The elephant, tiger, lion-tailed macaque, gaur, wild pig, panther, and sambar are the ones most frequently seen here. This park's vegetation is the tropical, humid, evergreen variety. It is also nearly possible to overlook the existence of the Kunthi River, which comes down from the Nilgiri Hills and passes through this area, enchanting visitors with its crystal clear water, devoid of impurities.